Antique Print, Swallow Tail butterflies, 1896 – KittyPrint
Swallow Tail butterflies 1896 Prints KittyPrint 1800s Insects & Reptiles

Antique Print, Swallow Tail butterflies, 1896

Regular price £20.00 Sale

Achivus Machaon (top) and Iphiclides Podalirius (bottom).
W.F.Kirby, Chromolithograph by Wyman and Sons Ltd.
Lloyds Natural History, 1896

Iphiclides Podalirius is most commonly know as the Scarce Swallowtail.  It is also called the Sail Swallowtail or Pear-Tree Swallowtail.  Achivus Machaon, or Papilio machaon, is known as Old World Swallowtail, Common Yellow Swallowtail or simply Swallowtail.

Size 12 x 18 cm. Condition Good.

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